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Project Delivery

Last year I entered the “APM Project Manager of the Year” Award category. And won.

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With one week to go to enter the Association of Project Management’s Awards, now is the time to apply. Hear from Mark Geoghegan who won ‘APM Project Manager of the Year’ 2017 on what makes a great entry.

One Year, One Hundred Presentations of the Project Delivery Capability Framework

One year since the Project Delivery Capability Framework (PDCF)  was launched, 6 months since the Government Online skills Tool (GOST) went live, and my 100th presentation of a framework that has had a considerable impact on the project delivery profession.

Professionalising Project Delivery in the MoJ

Steve Vine, Head of Profession at the Ministry of Justice, 'Project delivery roles are amongst the most exciting and challenging in Government, and with the creation of the function we are developing a greater sense of identity and pride in the profession.'

Crossing the Valley of Death - Bridging the Gap between Policy Creation and Policy Delivery in Government

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If the projects are not successfully implemented, then the policy objectives are not delivered. How can we effectively cross the 'Valley of Death' between policy creation and policy delivery?